


  • 希伯来语

    In the 5th grade, we complete our final year of the Tal Am program. As the “thinking and acting” class, our goals include:
    • Increased reading comprehension by examining texts through the lens of the “thinking hats” and our characteristics
    • Continued improvement in writing and creative writing through the use of a 个人 journal, 团体和个人项目, 和演示
    • Expansion of conversation and listening skills through group work, 演讲, 报纸上的文章
    • Continued work in topics of grammar through supplemental workbooks, 包括过去, 现在, 将来时, 连接词, 数字, 构建段落
  • 犹太人的研究

    Chumash: The main focus of 5th grade 犹太人的研究 is Chumash, where we begin learning Sefer Shemot. Students continue to work on the skills of being independent learners; by fifth grade, students are able to work in chavruta (pairs) to read and translate new psukim. They analyze text by beginning with a literal, word-by-word translation and then they expand their understanding by asking interpretive questions and learning various commentaries on the texts.

    Students continue expanding their understanding of Biblical 希伯来语, grammar and the overarching themes in Shemot.

    We focus on the language of the text. By paying close attention to repetition, irregularities or inter-textual connections, the students learn how to ask questions and provide educated responses that are supported in the text.
    纳维: Fifth graders continue their study of 纳维 with Sefer Shoftim. We focus on the major themes of the relationship between Bnei Yisrael and God, leadership and the major events in the text. We learn about each judge and how he/she fit into the repeating cycle throughout the Sefer. The students express their understanding of the text in a creative scrapboo. This multi-sensory approach encourages each student to internalize his/her understanding and 现在 the information in his/her own way.

    : We build on 4th grade tefilla skills and textual understandings. 当我们加入新的肉片, we focus on the meaning of each passage and how to best concentrate and connect with prayer.

    : We review the weekly Torah reading with an eye to engaging the students in further inquiry through thought questions and activities to help them internalize larger messages in the Parsha.

    : We begin our study of Mishna with an introduction to the background of the Oral Law, its centrality in our tradition and the historical timeline of its development. Students learn the technical language of the mishna text and begin learning mishnayot that are connected to holidays and tefilla.

    : Building on the students’ prior knowledge, we expand their understanding of minhagim, halacha and large overarching themes within each holiday.
  • 语言艺术

    The English 语言艺术 curriculum focuses on an introduction to multiple genres in literature and informational text reading using independent reading, 小型文学圈小组, 在课堂上分享阅读材料. Through the use of multiple approaches, 培养学生的流利度, comprehension strategies and skills, and vocabulary while learning to identify cause and effect, 确定主旨, 进行推断, 明确作者的目的, 和总结.
    An emphasis is put on written response to literature and informational text. Students learn note taking skills, quick outlines to organize writing, 简短回答, 摘要写作, and longer formal essay writing. 在成为作家的过程中, students learn the writing process (organizing, 起草, 编辑, 重写, 校对), and write paragraphs and short descriptive essays, 个人, 说明, 分析, 叙述形式.
    还有阅读和写作, students learn new vocabulary related to the 5th grade curriculum and related skills to enhance the complexity of vocabulary and understanding of the English language. An emphasis is put on the proper use of spelling, 语法和力学, and the complexities of English language usage.
  • 数学

    数学 in 5th grade continues with the in depth study of how 数字 work and how math relates to the world in which the students live. Students focus on understanding and applying creative problem solving strategies along with abstract and quantitative reasoning in the following topics:
    • 位值
    • 加减法
    • 小数
    • 整数乘法
    • 数值表达式
    • 模式和关系
    • 加减法 Fractions
    • 加减法 Mixed Numbers
    • Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers
    • 固体体积
    • 计量单位
    • Data
    • 几何坐标
  • 体育课

    威彻斯特走读学校 is committed to a quality 体育课 Program which is an essential part of the core curriculum deserving and receiving equal priority in the total educational philosophy of the school. Research from several scientific studies are in agreement that daily physical activity improves cognitive function, achievement performance in the classroom, 心理健康, 信心, 自尊, the total improved physical health and fitness of the individual, and makes happier and healthier kids. It is with this in mind that each week the students in the lower school (grades 1-5) are provided 4 periods of physical education (30 minutes each).
  • 科学

    Students benefit from a dedicated science lab and science teacher. They also use Sound Shore environment to do an in depth study of the 长岛湾.
    5th grade students take ownership over WDS’s prime location on the 长岛湾 with a half-year course of study on this important resource.  Beginning with an early fall seining project, when students collect organisms for the science lab’s intertidal fish tank, students revisit the topic of classification and learn about taxonomy before beginning an intensive study of the animals and plants that call the Sound home.  Students also learn the geological history of the Sound and local area. This unit transitions well into the Earth 科学 unit at the end of the year.
  • 社会研究

    United States history is the focus of the 5th grade 社会研究 curriculum covering the 13 Colonies, 美国革命, 宪法, and westward expansion and industrialization. Students learn about the effects this had on the Native Americans and the growth of slavery. Students learn about cause and effect of the events that helped form the United States and then relate these early events to current events and their own world. Reading and writing are integral parts of the 社会研究 curriculum.
    学生学习时事, such as national elections and primaries, and relating current events to other events in history is an important part of 5th grade 社会研究. Current events are broken down into four categories: state news, 全国新闻, 世界新闻, 以色列新闻. Current events include research and public speaking. Over the course of the year, each student 现在s on all four categories.
    The 5th grade students learn how they “fit” into history through creating their own Heritage Fair Museum project which is displayed for the entire WDS community. Students choose one “artifact” that relates to their own Jewish American heritage and tell their family story through the artifact. A book is created for the entire grade, reflecting the diverse backgrounds of the WDS community.
    Integration of technology is an integral part of the 5th grade 社会研究 curriculum. Multiple forms of media are used in 现在ing information: books, articles, videos and magazines. Students complete several projects related to the study of the United States using available technology to enhance their studies and projects.




威彻斯特走读学校 is a Modern Orthodox, 男女合校, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th grade Jewish school that inspires and educates our students in their own way to value menschlichkeit, 一下, 终身学习.